var imgWindow = "";
function openPopup(img, width, height) {
if (img && width && height) {
width = Math.min(width + 36, 640);
height = Math.min(height + 30, 480);
if (imgWindow.location && !imgWindow.closed)
imgWindow =, "imgWindow" + width + height,
"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=" +
width + ",height=" + height);
// imgWindow.focus();
koukan nikki
... travel
by misaki :: 27/08/2003 01:41
... hisashiburi
by natsumi :: 25/08/2003 09:51
... trip
by misaki :: 21/08/2003 23:02
... aghhhhh
by natsumi :: 23/07/2003 08:16
hot day
I have been drawing on my computer a lot recently. it's for my new site. unlike the one I already have (suteki places in portland), my new site will be pretty personal. I think I tried too hard to get attention from other people on my site. I found out other people are interested in different things from what I am interested in. there are very few people who like, or even notice the same thing. well anyway, my new site will be very cute! at least for me, it would look cute.
I drew two windows with different scenery today. sunset and night forest. I want to make 10 more eventually.
misaki, 12 de julho de 2002 10:16:00 CEST