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koukan nikki
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by misaki :: 27/08/2003 01:41  ... 


by natsumi :: 25/08/2003 09:51  ... 


by misaki :: 21/08/2003 23:02  ... 


by natsumi :: 23/07/2003 08:16 

segunda-feira, 22. julho 2002

about me

name: misaki

born in: tokyo, japan, 1981

~1997: ageo, saitama, jp

1997~2000: leysin, vaud, ch

2000~2002: portland, oregon, us

2002~: albuquerque, new mexico, us

favorite towns: kyoto, shimokitazawa, lisboa

favorite music: gilberto gil, moreno veloso, stereo total, push kings, super furry animals, serge gainsbourg, apples in stereo, ricky martin, elvis presley, rachid taha, pavement, pizzicato 5, etc etc .....

favorite cars: VW, SAAB

blogchalk: United States, New Mexico, Albuquerque, UNM, Japanese, Portuguese, misaki, Female, 21-25, cat, kitten. :)


referrers and mostread

I was looking at other antville pages ( I have no idea what they say for most of the people who use antville write in german, but even so, it is very interesting to see their layout and photos, etc...), and discovered that there are pages of "" and "" for each weblog. that's so cool! i did not know that! why aren't they in the default menu bar??? well, not many people look at my weblog (only for now, I hope...) , so, the "referrers" and "most read pages" are pretty boring so far... so i have not put them in the menu bar but maybe i will in the future.


julho 2002áb.
online for 8279 Days

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