var imgWindow = ""; function openPopup(img, width, height) { if (img && width && height) { width = Math.min(width + 36, 640); height = Math.min(height + 30, 480); if (imgWindow.location && !imgWindow.closed) imgWindow.close(); imgWindow =, "imgWindow" + width + height, "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=" + width + ",height=" + height); // imgWindow.focus(); } }
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by misaki :: 27/08/2003 01:41  ... 


by natsumi :: 25/08/2003 09:51  ... 


by misaki :: 21/08/2003 23:02  ... 


by natsumi :: 23/07/2003 08:16 

segunda-feira, 15. julho 2002

bookcover color problem solved

yay!! now this page looks kind of cute, isnt it?? yesterday I was going on and on about the color of the bookcover. today I corrected it using style sheets. at first, I wrote <td bgcolor="#rrggbb">. but I could not see the color. then I put a stylesheet tag instead, and then worked. but the first method worked on ohter people's computer.... I dont understand! but it's ok,,, I dont know why, but it looks fine now anyway!


domingo, 14. julho 2002

mmm? bgcolor

I changed the design of this page a bit. I always wanted to make a tiny page with tiny fonts, but I could not do it as I had to put big ad banners on my web sites. so, here it is. I'll change the menu bar (the right half of this page) too, soon.

but... there is a problem. you see, this is supposed to be a book (the shape is strange, i know... it is ignoring perspective. i hope it does not look too bad...), and the book cover is white, right? it is actually transparent. I set background color of table cell as green, so the cover would look green. but apparently it does not work. it works in different sites, but why not here???? hmmm


sábado, 13. julho 2002

jon spencer blues explosion

I have been listening to the new album of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion a lot since last week. they sound a little silly, (almost) only things that they say in their songs are like "rock'n'roll baby! let's go! come on mama! get down baby!" and some words without any meanings. I think it is cool because most other alternative rock bands have complicated lyrics, some bands even sing about politics. that's fine, but it is nice to listen to classic rock'n'roll that does not make you think too much.



today I got a book about francie. she is a Barbie doll's cousin from the 60’s~70’s . I love 60’s and 70’s designs very much. groovy! Looking at the pictures in the book, I started feeling like making clothes for dolls again. I used to do it when I was in the 6th grade. I dont have Francie or Barbie, but I have Jennie. she is a popular doll in japan. she is supposed to be American from L.A, though. her face is wider and her body is fatter than Barbie. funny name, serious sandwich also, colin and I went to Shlotzsky’s. its name is not that funny, but it is true that its sandwiches are serious ones!! they are delicious!


sexta-feira, 12. julho 2002

hot day

I have been drawing on my computer a lot recently. it's for my new site. unlike the one I already have (suteki places in portland), my new site will be pretty personal. I think I tried too hard to get attention from other people on my site. I found out other people are interested in different things from what I am interested in. there are very few people who like, or even notice the same thing. well anyway, my new site will be very cute! at least for me, it would look cute.

I drew two windows with different scenery today. sunset and night forest. I want to make 10 more eventually.


quinta-feira, 11. julho 2002

first entry

this is a really cool site from germany! I will try hard to change the design later on... I hope I can figure things out. this default design is not bad at all, though.

today, we went to uwajimaya and fred meyer. I was very hungry, so I wanted to eat everything I saw. and I bought lots of stuff, which is good, because we dont want to go grocery shopping too often.

at uwajimaya, colin found relax magazine! it is my favorite magazine. I never expacted it to be there because even many bookstores in japan do not have relax magazine. it was $9. (it is $6 in japan.) I think japanese books are much cheaper than american ones. especially, books about computers are way cheaper, and have many more graphics, very cool.


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