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by misaki :: 27/08/2003 01:41  ... 


by natsumi :: 25/08/2003 09:51  ... 


by misaki :: 21/08/2003 23:02  ... 


by natsumi :: 23/07/2003 08:16 


vacuum I bought this vacuum today. but doesn't it look like I bought it 30 years ago? haha, I was not yet born 30 years ago. but I really love stuff from around that time, like I wrote yesterday. this vacuum has very cute 70's style! it was $5 at "thrift town," a thrift store near my apartment. today, "all 30% off" sale was going on there. it was really cool. I also got an ansewering machine for $2.99. it works very well! I was dissapointed that food in albuquerque is more expensive than in portland, but used stuff is much cheaper here! the same used answering machine would cost about 7 or 8 dollars in portland.


please click on the images to enlarge

drive in
One of the things I like about Albuquerque is that there are many old signs and buildings, particularly, things built in the 70’s (some of them might be from the 60‘s). I took these photos today, but don’t they look like they were taken 30 years ago?? I really love 60’s and 70’s designs. Many people think 70’s design is tacky, but they look very cute and groovy to me! The first photo is a sign of a liquor store which was apparently drive-in liquor store before. Of course it is not a drive-in liquor store anymore. I think it would be illegal now. It is cool that they don’t even care (I guess) to update their sign! It has such a cool style. In Albuquerque, there are old signs like this everywhere. The other photos were taken in a grocery store. This store is so cute! There are cool flower patterns on the walls and even music they play is from the 60’s ~ 70’s.


hmm... many new things are happning in my life right now, but I dont know what to write .... perhaps I try too hard to be interesting. and I dont have very interesting things to write about. anyway. hmm. I am thinking about getting DSL. yes, I am still dialing up. and it is not even 56k. it is 28.8kbps. I created my websites at such a slooooow connection. isnt it impressive? I have never paid for internet (except for internet cafe a few times) . I have always used internet connection provided by my schools. right now I am using a dial up connection of University of New Mexico. I am pretty stingy and I was thinking I would rather have a very slow connection than paying money.... but....recently, I started to be intorelant. I want to listen to radio and watch videos and look at big beautiful photos and flash sites without waiting forever and ... just do things quickly on the net!

however... it is true that I DO have an internet connection already. if I have to pay for dial up, I would rather pay for DSL, yet I already have free dial up. I might do internet too much if my computer is always connected. even worse, I might feel obrigated to use internet because I am paying for it. mmmm. decisions decisions....

so far, the cheapest DSL I found is $39.95/month (ISP plus phone company fee). it is 256 Kbps. I wonder if it is fast enough. 640 Kbps connection is $49.95/month.

by the way, I made a web page about Ki-san, my kitten.


new mexico!

! yeah!! I am in albuquerque, new mexico! it is an awesome place. the town is cuter than I expected. I arrived here on the 4th. I dont have a phone or internet conection yet at my place. I am using a computer at universtiy of new mexico library right now. I have to get furniture, a bed, stuff like that... fun! hopefully we will get a cat, too. our apartment is much bigger (yet pretty cheap) than the former one we rented in portland, so, it is cool, but also weird, as we have to get so many things to make it look not empty.

anyway... exciting! I took photos in Utah on the way to new mexico, because Utah has beautiful landscapes. I'll put them here soon.. hopefully.

today, I'm planning to go to some antique stores. I hope I'll find nice things to put in my apartment.




I am moving out of my apartment and portland oregon tomorrow! Colin will be driving for 3 days till we get to New Mexico, where our new home will be.... I hope we will have a nice trip. I like portland a lot but I wanted to see somewhere very different. I really hope I will like it there. I will take a lot of pictures on the way to get there.

these two people will entertain you while I'm gone! arent they cute? they are from sur(real) de go



cute little stamp
this image is taken from . isn’t it cute!? has really cool layout and colors. they even have cool advertisements. I hate pop-up ad banners, but recently I see advertisements with really beautiful graphics on the internet. I often stare at them as they are so well designed. I have a website at, which is a part of so, they have the same ad banners. I am very glad that there are ad banners with nice graphics and Portuguese words on my site as I love portuguese. I had a webpage from before, but their ad banners are ugly, so, I stopped using their service.

I think I am kind of obsessed with advertisements in general recently. if I dont like a company’s advertisement, I try not to use its product very hard. for example, I hate subway’s tv commercial. well, I do not like subway anyway, but that commercial makes me never ever want to go to subway. has the coolest page ever called Expresso2222 is obviously a song of Gilberto Gil. the page features him and very beautiful graphics. their flash page is phenomenal. I love Gilberto Gil so much! He has been actively making great music and been popular for more than 30 years straight.

for some reason brazilian and portuguese portal sites have great designs. and should be good examples. has too many pop-up banners, though. american portal sites such as yahoo, lycos, altavista, etc, look very boring compared to the sites I mentioned above. I guess european people have really good sense of style. I have not looked at other countries’ portal sites yet, but I would like to do it soon.




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mushroom house

today I ate linguini with frog legs at one of my favorite restaurants "montage."


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